Our performance

We’re committed to providing an excellent service for all our customers.

We constantly monitor our performance across all our services including customer service, repairs and maintenance, gas servicing and complaints.

How do we measure performance and what do we do with the information?

  • How do we measure performance?

    We measure our performance in lots of ways, including:

    • satisfaction surveys
    • gathering resident feedback
    • using information from our internal systems, such as
      • number of repairs completed on time,
      • cost of preparing vacant properties to relet
      • complaints
  • What do we do with the performance information?

    We’re always striving to improve and use the performance information to help us identify and prioritise where we can do this.

    We also publish this information so that our customers can see how we're doing. Please see below for where we publish this.

How do we report our performance?

It’s important that we’re transparent and open about our performance.

  • To our customers

    Tenant Satisfaction Measures:

    The Regulator of Social Housing has created a set of measures to look at how all social housing providers in England are performing. These are called Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs).

    A key part of the TSMs is for us to survey customers about how satisfied you are with your home and the services provided by your landlord.

    Take a look at our latest Tenant Satisfaction Measure survey results

    Annual report:

    We publish detailed performance information in our annual report, showing how we’ve changed since the previous year.

    Quarterly updates:

    We publish a quarterly update on complaints performance on our website and in newsletters.

  • To our board

    Our performance across all our services is reported each quarter to the WRHA board, and they hold us accountable to the set targets.

Complaints performance information

Annual self-assessment

The Housing Ombudsman has a complaint handling code, and it's a legal requirement for all social landlords, like WRHA, to comply with the code. As part of this, we're required to complete an annual assessment against the Code as part of our annual complaints performance and service improvement report.

Find out more about our annual self-assessment.

Our quarterly performance

Complaints performance January 2024 to March 2024

Previous quarter performances:

Complaints performance October 2023 to December 2023

Complaints performance July 2023 to September 2023

Complaints performance April 2023 to June 2023

Annual complaints performance April 2022 to March 2023

Complaints performance April 2022 to June 2022

Complaints performance January 2022 to March 2022

Complaints performance October 2021 to December 2021

Complaints performance July 2021 to Sept 2021

Complaints performance April 2021 to June 2021